front of home green lawn with large tree

6 Common Mistakes Homeowners Make with Tree and Shrub Care

Dave Petti

Your trees and shrubs are the backbones of your home landscape. 

They give you shade, cooling temperatures, attractive greenery, privacy and noise buffering, and even oxygen and carbon sequestration. 

And to reap maximum amounts of these benefits, you have to maintain your trees and shrubs properly. In fact, 78% of real estate professionals blame poor landscaping on diminished home values, according to the National Association of Realtors

But taking care of the trees and shrubs on your Northeast Ohio property isn’t as simple as planting them and hoping for the best. The climate here with its cold winters, humid summers, and unpredictable weather swings demands you give your plants a bit more attention. 

And, unfortunately, there are quite a few mistakes you can make when it comes to tree and shrub care that can lead to weak, diseased, or even dead plants, including: 

  1. Incorrect Planting (jump to this section below)
  2. Overwatering or Underwatering (jump to this section below)
  3. Pruning at the Wrong Time (jump to this section below)
  4. Improper Mulching (jump to this section below)
  5. Ignoring Pests and Diseases (jump to this section below)
  6. Not Hiring a Professional For Tree and Shrub Care (jump to this section below)

Let’s talk about some landscaping mistakes that can happen when you are caring for trees and shrubs on your Northeast Ohio property and how you can avoid these issues and get healthier and more long-lasting plants. 


Read Our Essential Tree & Shrub Care Guide

The 6 Biggest Tree Care Mistakes and Shrub Care Mistakes You Can Make

Many tree and shrub care mistakes stem from misinformation or just plain neglect. 

You might assume, for instance, that your plants can thrive on their own. You might also underestimate the impact of seasonal changes like strong weather in the form of harsh winds or snow storms. You might also be following advice that doesn’t align with the type of plant species you have. 

On top of that, your busy schedule may play a role, too. This can lead to small issues going unnoticed until they become more serious problems. 

That’s when you want to pay attention and recognize the signs of tree and shrub problems early so you can prevent costly damage. Some of the bigger warning signs include: 

  • Leaves turning yellow or brown out of season.
  • Stunted growth or sparse foliage.
  • Branches dying back or breaking easily.
  • Possible pest activity like spots on leaves or leaves curling.
  • Mushrooms or fungus growing in excess at the base of trees.
  • Bark peeling or splitting unexpectedly. 

If you see any of these symptoms, it’s time to take action. 

Trees and plants plant health care
And if you want to keep your Northeast Ohio home landscape trees and shrubs strong, avoid these common tree and shrub care mistakes. 

1. Incorrect Planting

Not all tree and shrub species will thrive in every part of your yard. 

Some plants need full sun, while others prefer more shade. Some crave well-drained soil, while others can handle wetter roots. 

A classic landscaping mistake is placing a sun-loving tree like a red maple in a shade corner of your yard only to watch it struggle. 

Before planting, it’s best to research what that specific tree or shrub species needs or, better yet, consult with a local landscape expert.

nice looking plants and shrubs

2. Overwatering or Underwatering

Northeast Ohio’s rainfall can be deceiving. 

Homeowners often assume their trees and shrubs get enough water naturally, but summer dry spells can stress your plants out, especially newly planted or younger species. 

On the flip side, too much watering or poor drainage can suffocate your plants’ roots. 

That’s why you want to check the soil a few inches down when you want to water. If it’s dry, water deeply and if it’s soggy, hold off. Long, slow irrigation done in the early morning infrequently is usually better than short watering everyday to ensure the roots receive enough water. Mother Nature doesn’t always deliver enough water for your plants, so a big tree and shrub care mistake is assuming she’s doing all the work for you.

Also make sure you’re watering plants based on their moisture requirements. For instance, rhododendrons, azaleas, and arborvitae don’t like wet soils, so if you constantly overwater these plants, you are risking root rot issues. 

sprinkler watering grass

3. Pruning at the Wrong Time

Not all trees and shrubs like being pruned during the active growing season. 

Incorrect pruning is a common tree care mistake that can lead to pest activity due to the added stress on the plant. Burning bushes are a good example of how incorrect pruning can lead to problems. For instance, mite activity is high during a hot, dry summer, and if you overprune your burning bush, you can add a lot of stress and invite mites to come in and take over. 

Winter is actually an ideal time for dormant pruning: a process where you carefully trim trees when they’re not actively growing. 

This not only keeps your trees healthy but also reduces the risk of branch breakage during heavy snow and ice storms. Dormant tree trimming allows you to remove weak or dead branches, which can become hazardous when weighed down by winter weather. Skipping this step can lead to broken limbs, which can damage your trees and pose safety hazards on your property.

Proper trimming also encourages healthy growth in spring, when trees come out of dormancy. If you’ve been putting off pruning, consider winter as an optimal time. Plus, at this time of year, pests and diseases are less likely to spread to fresh cuts on trees.

4. Improper Mulching 

Mulch is great for your trees and shrubs. It helps them retain moisture, suppresses weeds, and regulates soil temperature. 

But there is a wrong way to mulch, which leads to a big landscaping mistake. For instance, if you mulch too high around the base of a tree, which is also known as a mulch volcano, you can trap moisture against its trunk, leading to rot and diseases. 

Instead you want to apply a 2- to 3-inch layer evenly around the base of your trees spread out to the dripline, keeping it a few inches away from the trunks. This covers the entire tree’s root system. 


5. Ignoring Pests and Diseases

Northeast Ohio is home to quite a few tree and shrub pests and diseases. 

And, unfortunately, you may not notice a problem until your plants are severely damaged, which is when you’re seeing signs of trouble like chewed leaves, yellowing foliage, or a sticky residue or unusual growth on branches.

That’s why a big tree care mistake is waiting until you see these symptoms. In fact, the best way to conquer pests and diseases is preventively because when signs of pests are visible, then pest activity can already be severe.  


6. Not Hiring a Professional for Tree and Shrub Care

What’s the biggest tree and shrub care mistake? Thinking you can handle everything on your own. 

While DIY tree and shrub care can be done, the products found in home improvement stores may not always fit your specific problems, especially if you don’t know what you’re treating. That’s why trees and shrubs need expert care to truly thrive. 

Plant care experts can better understand local soil conditions, seasonal changes, and the specific needs of different species. They can also spot problems before they become expensive disasters, as well as recommend the best pruning techniques and fertilization strategies and ensure your trees and shrubs stay strong and healthy year-round. 


Avoid Common Tree and Shrub Care Mistakes and Protect Your Plants With Professional Care 

Embracing professional tree and shrub care services in Northeast Ohio can be an ongoing, preventive part of your home landscape maintenance routine. 

This is your best choice to ensure the greatest health for your plants, as well as save you time and money. You want to be proactive versus reactive. And avoiding these common landscaping mistakes is a very proactive and healthy approach to ensure long plant life.  

If you find you’re not sure what to do as you inspect the trees and shrubs on your property or where to start, give Turf Pride a call. We can take care of these key assets in your landscape with tree and shrub fertilization, insect and disease control, and dormant oil treatments. The end result will be plants that add to your property value and curb appeal rather than detract from it. 


Want to improve your tree and shrub health and create a happier overall landscape in Northeast Ohio? Turf Pride can help. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we’ll customize a plan that gives you the most attractive landscape on the block.

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