How to Control Invasive Weeds on Your Northeast Ohio Property
Of all the things that can be problematic to Northeast Ohio lawns, weeds have got to be the worst.
A weed shows up in your lawn almost without warning as enemy No. 1 on your hit list. It can be tall and spiny and strange-looking, so it naturally stands out in the wrong way on your nice grass. And, what’s worse, many weeds travel in clumps with their friends so they seem to almost double and triple overnight. In fact, thousands of weed seeds can survive in the soil for years before they germinate and grow into those ugly weeds you hate.
While anyone can handle a little problem here or there, weeds are instantly invasive and repulsive. And your first thought is always, “How can I get rid of these weeds in my lawn!?”
However, every weed is unique and some are best controlled before they emerge, while others are best handled after. And yet others will stay at bay if you focus on boosting the lawn’s overall health. Knowing your Ohio invasive weeds and how they act, as well as how to manage them can help with the most troublesome weeds that do break through and try to take over your lawn.
These professional tips will come in most handy when it comes to controlling invasive weeds in your lawn.
Ohio Invasive Weeds: Know Your Weeds
Weeds are advantageous. They like to pop up whenever they get the chance. You don’t want those weeds emerging throughout the growing season, taking away from the overall beauty and enjoyment of your Northeast Ohio lawn.
Understanding how to deal with invasive plants in Ohio means knowing what weeds you’re dealing with. Here’s a look at some of the worst ones we deal with here.
Wild Violet
As you’re walking across your lawn, if you come across little purple flowers mixed in with your grass, you know you have wild violet weeds.
At first glance, you might even think this little blossom is pretty, but this invasive plant in Ohio is a stubborn perennial weed.
Wild violets usually make their first appearances in May in moist, shady places, but they occasionally take place in some sunny spots, too. Their leaves are waxy and heart-shaped with serrated edges.
Left unattended, wild violets can spread through your yard, only shying away from spots that get a lot of direct sunlight. They have dense root systems below ground, which makes stopping them tough.
This annual Ohio invasive weed, which is also called yellow wood sorrel, will take advantage of bare areas in your lawn in summer.
This weed, which looks a bit like clover, prefers to grow in shady and moist conditions. Three heart-shaped leaflets distinguish oxalis, in addition to five-petaled, yellow flowers.
Ground Ivy
Sometimes called creeping Charlie, this Ohio invasive weed is aggressive.
As a low-growing weed that spreads quickly, it thrives in shaded spots in Northeast Ohio from May through June.
When first spotting ground ivy, you might think its scalloped, fuzzy leaves and tiny lavender flowers are innocent, but it’s one of the more tough-to-manage weeds around. As a perennial, it comes back every year, and its ability to grow multiple sets of roots means it continues to spread when you don’t adequately control it.
This light green, yellowish, grassy weed can be seen growing taller than your regular grass in mid-summer in Northeast Ohio home landscapes.
This invasive plant in Ohio has a glossy sheen and thrives in wet, damp areas like areas with a leaky sprinkler head or near ditches.
Controlling Invasive Weeds in Northeast Ohio
Using a commercial-grade, selective liquid herbicide can help in gaining control of invasive plants in Ohio.
A lawn care professional will make these applications with rounds two or three in fertilization in spring and again in rounds five or six in the fall. Highly invasive weeds like ground ivy usually need more than one application.
A Healthy Lawn is the Best Defense
Weeds are opportunistic. They spot a lawn that lacks nutrients, isn’t draining properly, is thin and stressed and they attack without hesitation.
That’s why when it comes to controlling invasive weeds, you want a thriving, thick lawn. A healthy lawn is one that is mowed to a 3.5- to 4-inch height, watered appropriately (not too much and not too little) and has the proper balance of nutrients through regular fertilization. Annual aeration can also help the lawn breathe. Follow that up with overseeding to help fill in thin areas and improve the grass varieties throughout the lawn.
Your mission is to create an optimum environment for grass to grow over weeds in your Northeast Ohio lawn. A thick, thriving lawn that receives regular maintenance has the power to repel weeds.
Ready to Tackle Ohio Invasive Weeds?
You want a lawn care program that focuses on year-round turf health. Since nothing crowds out weed growth like thick grass, this can help you get rid of all types of weeds, including invasive plants in Ohio.
If you feel like you’re in an endless backyard battle against lawn weeds, then it might be time to partner with a pro. Finding a lawn care professional in Northeast Ohio who can deliver a customized approach to boost overall lawn health and get rid of invasive weeds can make a difference.Your choice of the right plan for your lawn can mean sweeter summer memories for you. Now that you understand how killing weeds in your lawn works, you just need to put your plan into action.
Choosing Turf Pride for complete, proactive lawn care services that include proper fertilization, as well as both pre-emergent and post-emergent weed treatments throughout the growing season, makes you the smartest neighbor on the block. It’s the best way to keep your lawn weed-free.
Is waging war on weeds keeping you from having a lawn you can be proud of? We’d love to learn more. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we’ll prepare a customized plan that leads you to the best choice for you and your lawn.