Lawn care-customer-kids-green-grass-1

Is Lawn Care Safe for My Kids?

Dave Petti

Your children are incredibly important to you. You want to do everything you can to protect them and care for them as they grow under your care. 

That’s why you might be asking questions like, “Is lawn fertilizer safe for kids?”

Naturally, you want a green, thick, healthy, and thriving lawn that you can enjoy with your children. In fact, your lawn usually becomes the stage for special memories together, like teaching your child to catch and throw a baseball or running barefoot in the grass playing hide-and-seek or tag or making delicious grilled food together at the barbecue on the patio. 

But you still want to know, “Are lawn pesticides harmful?” And you certainly don’t want to produce great lawn results at the expense of your children’s safety in any way. 

Well, let’s not bury the lead: Lawn care is safe for your entire family. Let’s talk about some of these facts to help ease your mind so that you can continue enjoying your grass each and every day without worry or stress. 

Safe Lawn Care Practices for Your Children and Family in Northeast Ohio

First thing’s first, let’s address the main question: “Is lawn fertilizer safe for kids?”

We can confidently say this is possible with professional lawn care services in Northeast Ohio. 

While you may have a lawn, you also have a family, and you’d like to have the best of both worlds. Here, we’ll talk through some of the specifics on safe lawn care. 

kids playing on their nice green lawn

A Healthy Lawn is Important For You and Your Family

Getting outside and enjoying the sun and your lawn is a perk for you and your children to get some Vitamin D from the sun and enjoy some physical activity. 

An unhealthy lawn can put a damper on that experience. If you don’t fertilize your lawn properly and consistently, its health could suffer. Without fertilizer, instead of an even, consistent green lawn, you might end up with one with random discoloration and textures that can have bare spots, weeds, and even cause tripping as you and your kids run across it. 

Proper lawn care services in Northeast Ohio offer quite a few benefits for you and your family. A well-maintained lawn can:

  • Clean the air, provide oxygen, and trap carbon dioxide.
  • Trap excess dust in the air.
  • Reduce stormwater runoff, preventing mulch and soil from washing away.
  • Improve soil structure.
  • Reduce noise pollution.
  • Cool down temperatures in your yard, which can help you save on air-conditioning costs

Healthy green grass in front yard

Is Lawn Fertilizer Safe For Kids?

Most of the ingredients in the professional fertilization products lawn care service companies use are also sold on home improvement store shelves in weaker, do-it-yourself versions. 

When used properly and according to label directions, as well as applied by a trained and experienced professional, these products are very safe. When a professional lawn care technician applies products in a highly targeted fashion using professional-grade, organic materials and high-end application equipment, it makes them even safer for your kids. 

kid and dog playing in nice looking lawn

How Long After Fertilizing Is It Safe For Kids to Go Outside?

There is a basic rule after lawn care services in Northeast Ohio: You want to wait for liquid fertilization applications to thoroughly dry before allowing children back on the lawn. 

Your lawn care service provider may tell you to wait a couple of hours to ensure the liquid fertilizer is thoroughly dry, but the product will usually dry in 30 minutes -- often times faster on a hot day. 

Granular Fertilization and Your Kids 

Lawn fertilizer comes in two forms: liquid fertilization, which we just discussed, and granular fertilization. 

After granular fertilizer, as well as pre-emergent herbicide applications that come in granular form, it’s usually best to wait until granular products have been completely absorbed before letting children back on the lawn. This usually takes about 24 hours. This ensures your lawn is watered well and has absorbed the nutrients and leads to safer lawn care. 

Kid-Friendly Safe Lawn Care Advice

When it comes to safe lawn care, make sure to follow these additional tips to make your children’s outdoor environment as safe as you can when you’re expecting a lawn care service:

  • Pick up kids’ toys that are outside before your treatment. Your lawn care service provider will also keep an eye out for any you missed.
  • Keep your children inside during any lawn care treatments until the product is dry. 

kids playing in lawn with green grass

Create a Green Lawn For You and Your Whole Family

You love your children and your lawn, but you don’t love having nasty looking grass. It’s possible to have the two things you love with safe lawn care; we swear! 

A lot of this boils down to choosing lawn care services in Northeast Ohio run by a company that cares about your safety. There are a lot of lawn care companies out there that give our industry a bad rap because they rush through services, overapply products, or, in general, just use poorly trained lawn care technicians to do the work.

If you have questions about Turf Pride’s family-friendly approach to lawn care services in Northeast Ohio, just ask us. We always want the best for you, your lawn, and your kids. We can educate you on the process, the products, and the safety measures we practice each and every day to ease your worries and help you have that green, thick lawn you crave. 

technician showing customer yard treatment options with kids in background

Looking to improve the look of your lawn in Northeast Ohio and make sure your children are safe at the same time? We’d love to help. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we’ll prepare a customized plan so you can have the kind of lawn you love.

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