
5 Reasons Why Fall Fertilization is Important for Your Lawn

Dave Petti

The summer is winding down, and the cooler weather is charging in as autumn comes into the picture. You see those fall leaves turning ruby red, brilliant orange, and golden yellow, and you know you’ve arrived to one of the most colorful seasons of the year in Northeast Ohio.
As the growing season approaches its completion before winter, you might tend to ignore your lawn. It seems fine, right? I mean the drought of summer and some of the bigger issues seem to be less of a worry. The lawn is getting enough water now. Weeds seem a bit reduced. Your lawn is OK. What could possibly go wrong; you have other things to worry about after all.
Sure, you may be focused on pumpkin patches and apple orchards, as well as other fall-themed adventures – but ignoring important fall maintenance for your grass is not a good idea.
Even though grass growth on top is slowing down, root growth is actually just getting started. And fertilizing in fall helps with that process tremendously. Deep root systems are really where the best lawns are made.

technician fertilizing green lawn
Let’s learn more about fertilizing a lawn in fall and the benefits it provides. 

Why You Should Fertilize Grass in Fall in Northeast Ohio

You want a thick, green lawn that stands strong against weed pressure and shines next to your neighbors’ lawns. It’s not too much to ask for.
In fact, a complete fertilization package throughout the year is what gives your lawn the nutrients it needs to sustain top growth in spring, drought resistance in summer, root growth in fall, and hardiness through winter. 
Here are the 5 biggest reasons fertilizing in fall is important. 

1.   Build a Stronger Root System

It might be hard to think your lawn needs anything in fall because the heat of summer has dissipated, but this is the time of the year you need to think about what’s happening underground and how it can impact how your lawn looks above ground.
Fertilizing a lawn in fall is a key piece of year-long lawn care because strong root systems and overall healthier lawns are built in autumn.  
In fact, conditions during September through December are perfect for your lawn’s root growth. Roots can’t grow all year long after all. Autumn is when grass plants put all of their focus into growing roots deeper into the soil. This helps stabilize your lawn. 

Fallen leaf on green grass in fall

2.   Prevent Other Lawn Problems

Fertilizing in fall builds turf roots, sure, but why are the plant’s roots so important?
Roots build those lawns that you envy. Roots are responsible for the lawns you can walk through with bare feet – the ones that are thicker and greener and seem to be free of weeds and bare spots.
A thicker lawn also overwinters better, resulting in less winter damage. 

client playing in front lawn with child and dog

3.   Improve Drought Tolerance

When you make sure not to forget fertilizing grass in fall, you’re also giving your lawn some extra protection for the next season when you worry about it most: summer. 
Summer’s heat and drought can do a number on your lawn, drying it out, thinning it, or even causing it to develop bare spots. When you build those grass roots in fall, the thicker growth that results from a strong base helps your lawn better stand up to summer droughts. 

technician looking closely at bare spots on the lawn

4.   Gain More Top Growth

In spring, your lawn’s main job is to push out top growth. This is when you see your lawn filling in after winter.
But if your lawn doesn't have any nutrient reserves from fertilizing in fall, it might not have the energy it needs to grow green and thick like you wish it would. Fall fertilization can help you get that spring growth you’re seeking.

5.   Battle Lawn Weeds

If you want to prevent weeds from ruining your yard, you need a thick, green lawn. This helps limit the amount of sunlight that reaches any weed seeds present in the soil and causes them to germinate.
Remember, you want to prevent weeds when they are at their weakest – before germination. Fertilizing in fall is one of the best ways to do this because you’re building a lawn that crowds out weeds. 

close up of dandelions in lawn

Don’t Wait. Fertilizing Your Lawn in Fall Is So Important In Northeast Ohio

You want a thick, green lawn, and we don't blame you. It’s the American dream. 
While you usually think about your lawn in spring and summer, don’t neglect fertilizing in fall. It truly builds the best grass.
We hope these fertilization facts help you better understand how caring for your lawn in autumn is just as important as spring and summer.  

fertilizing lawn with machine
 Still stumped at how fall fertilization can best help your Northeast Ohio lawn? That’s OK. We can help! Give Turf Pride a call. We can help you understand the importance of fall fertilization and help you get the best-looking lawn on the block.
Looking to improve the look of your lawn in Northeast Ohio? Turf Pride love to help. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we’ll prepare a customized plan so you can have that lawn your neighbors envy.

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