technician bare spots lawn looking close

4 Tips for Growing Grass in the Shade

Dave Petti

Your Northeast Ohio lawn likes the sun and the heat quite a bit. 

This means when it doesn’t get enough sunshine, it’s not as happy as it could be. 

If you just moved to a heavily shaded property in Northeast Ohio or you’ve struggled with a shady part of your yard for years, you probably have realized that growing grass in the shade can present some challenges as you try to maintain a consistently green, healthy looking lawn. 

Sun is incredibly important to your lawn’s health. Without enough sun, your grass may have a hard time. And in the shade, grass can have the tendency to grow thin and dull, losing its vibrant, green color. It can also become more stressed out. Even your lawn’s roots can suffer as they try to grow in the shade. 

If you’ve been trying to grow grass in the shade under a canopy of trees, you’re probably frustrated. It’s time for solutions. The goal is to look at your problem with realistic expectations by understanding more about how your lawn grows. This way, you can better understand what you can achieve in shady locations. 

Let’s dive into how to grow grass in shady areas. 

Green grass and blooming trees and flowers

How to Grow Grass in Shady Areas 

While the shade offers a nice refuge in your yard from the bright, hot sun, most grasses are full sun-loving plants. 

But there are some things you can do to help improve your results of growing grass in the shade. 

Tall fescues, for instance, require a minimum of four hours of direct sunlight. Even so, when grass is surrounded by thick trees, getting that required amount of sunlight can be a challenge. 

front of home green lawn with large tree
Here are 4 ways you can grow grass in shade and avoid bare spots and troubled looking areas. 

#1. Know What Grass Requires to Grow

To succeed at growing grass in the shade, you have to comprehend what your lawn needs to become healthy and strong. 

You might even find in this process that you have a spot that just isn’t conducive for growing grass at all because it’s missing a key element for good growth. 

Every type of grass needs some sunlight. You can’t buy a bag of shade-specific grass seed mix and expect it not to need any sun. All grass needs at least 4 hours of sun to grow. 

kids enjoying yard away from mosquitoes

#2. Thin Your Tree Canopy 

You can encourage more sunlight in your shady grass area by trimming some tree branches, particularly the low-hanging branches.

What this does is let in some filtered sunlight to your grass, which is better than no sunlight at all. And this simple strategy alone can do quite a bit to keep your shady grass areas happy.

Growing grass in the shade just takes enough sunlight to make it work, and annual tree pruning may be able to do the trick.


#3. Aerate & Overseed  

For areas with moderate shade and not deep shade, a thick, green lawn can be possible. It may just require a little extra care. 

Aeration and overseeding can be essential to ensure your grass, which can become stressed without sunlight, doesn’t thin out.

Aeration breaks up the soil, allowing for better oxygen, nutrient, and water infiltration, as well as reducing compaction. And overseeding at this time increases seed to soil contact, boosting germination of the lawn seed and thickening your grass. 
Aeration and overseeding annually – and possibly biannually, in very shady spots – can help you grow grass in the shade.

lawn after aeration

#4. Plant a Grass Alternative  

If you have trouble growing grass in the shade beneath trees, no matter how much you’ve tried trimming or other lawn care tricks, maybe it’s time to try an alternative to grass. 

Directly under trees, a mulch bed is a great option. This stops trees and turf from competing for water and nutrients and protects the roots under that tree canopy from getting hit by mower blades. 

Gravel, rock beds or other hardscaping can also be great options for areas where grass won’t grow. 

If you would prefer something green that will thrive in shade, groundcovers like vinca and pachysandra can be nice low-growing alternatives to grass. 

Grow Grass Anywhere With Turf Pride 

You want a great lawn. And you want your grass to thrive in the sunny spots, as well as the shady ones. 

We understand that. A thick, green lawn is what we all long for in our home landscapes. 

And just because you have some great trees or your landscape is bordered by woods, doesn't mean your shady areas have to suffer from bare spots, weeds, and patchy turf. 

Frustrated that you’ve tried some strategies to fix your lawn in your less-than-sunny locations, but they aren’t working? 

If you can’t quite figure out how to grow grass in shady areas, give Turf Pride a call. We know Northeast Ohio lawns, and with one look we can tell you what your lawn needs to thrive and provide you with some tips and tricks to get that picture perfect lawn you crave.  

Office staff answering the phone

Let’s solve your shade challenges together! Turf Pride has all the grass-growing knowledge you need for your Northeast Ohio lawn. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we’ll customize a plan that gives your lawn the facelift it needs.

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