close up of crew spraying for mosquitoes

What You Should Expect From Mosquito Control Program for Your Yard

Dave Petti

Who doesn’t want to enjoy warm summer evenings? Grilling out on the patio can build memorable moments with family and friends. Kicking the ball with the kids or tossing a frisbee to the dog gets everyone outside enjoying the fresh air. And sometimes even just sitting outdoors and listening to the birds sing can help decrease anxiety. This is your home landscape, and you want to enjoy it after all. 

What you don’t want during these moments outside are unwanted guests … and we’re not talking about nosy neighbors. We’re talking about small, pesky insects that are eyeing you and your family members and friends like fine dining. 

Yep, we’re talking about mosquitoes. Them and the itchy welts they cause are not welcome in your yard. Not only are they annoying, but they can also carry some pretty nasty diseases.

You could douse yourself with bug spray, wear multiple layers of clothing, and light all the citronella candles in the world, but you still might not be able to keep them away. 

customer sitting outside bonfire in yard

Let’s learn more about these pests and what you can expect from mosquito treatments for your backyard in Northeast Ohio. 

Backyard Mosquito Treatments: What to Expect

Mosquitoes can not only be a major source of frustration, keeping you from being able to spend time in your very own yard, but they can also be a serious threat. 

These pests can spread diseases like West Nile, Zika, dengue, and malaria.

A female mosquito can lay nearly 400 eggs at a time. And approximately 12 days later, you’ll have new adults buzzing about. If you can believe it, mosquitoes only live for about 14 days … but they can cause quite a bit of trouble in that time.

Mosquitoes become active when temperatures reach the upper 40s or low 50s. This is usually in May or when consistent, warmer temperatures arrive.

They like warm, wet places and enjoy hiding under leaf and wood piles, under decks, and in darker and cooler places. 

They lay their eggs in standing water, which incubates their eggs. Unfortunately, mosquitoes can breed very quickly and easily, doubling and tripling their numbers in small pools and puddles of water, in addition to flooded ditches, ponds, rivers, and lakes. This is why eliminating standing water is a key part of backyard mosquito treatment. 

Crew spraying in trees for mosquitoes in backyard

Mosquitoes are also attracted to carbon dioxide, which is the gas that humans and animals exhale. Mosquitoes can sense it from 30 feet away and are attracted to it because they know they can find food nearby. As if that wasn’t bad enough, mosquitoes can also detect human sweat.

Now that you know about mosquitoes, let’s talk about the best mosquito control for your yard. 

Understanding Mosquito Treatment for Backyard 

To battle mosquitoes, Turf Pride will treat your property during prime mosquito season – from May through October. 

Since a single treatment will control mosquitoes for a few weeks, you’ll want multiple visits to ensure a mosquito-free yard. This also helps deal with those mosquitoes that are constantly reproducing. 

The Ins and Outs of Backyard Mosquito Treatments

We spray the perimeter of your yard during mosquito treatments for backyards, hitting the spots where mosquitoes lurk and breed, such as under plant leaves; in shady, moist, or wet areas; under decks; under tree canopies; near wood piles; and near playgrounds and patios where people hang out.

We use essential oils that provide residual control for mosquitos. By keeping up with the service, you can ensure new populations of mosquitoes don’t show up. 

It always takes multiple treatments throughout the season to keep those mosquitoes away. Don’t trust companies who say they can eliminate mosquitoes with one treatment. 

Professional mosquito control will be done by experienced technicians who use expert equipment like backpack misters that emit super fine mists to reach those tiny pests. That ensures targeted applications of professional grade products. 

Crew spraying trees for mosquitoes near house

In Addition to Backyard Mosquito Treatments, There Are Things That You Can Do to Help With Prevention  

Along with mosquito treatments for your backyard, you can help by following some prevention advice to decrease the number of mosquitoes that breed in your yard. 

First, eliminate standing water. Ensure your gutters work well, refresh water in any pet bowls you have outside, and don’t let water sit in any containers like trash cans for multiple days. If you have a pond, a fountain or bubbler can help keep water moving to ensure it’s not a mosquito breeding ground. 

Also trim your trees, shrubs, and lawn regularly to keep air moving on your property. 

home with nice plants, tree and shrubs

Turf Pride Delivers the Best Mosquito Control For Your Yard 

Now that you know what to expect from backyard mosquito treatments, you are ready to get started with eliminating these pesky insects from your backyard. 

If you find you’re swatting away more mosquitoes than you’d like or that you can't enjoy your yard because you are continually harassed by these bugs, give Turf Pride a call. We can help answer all your questions related to mosquito control treatments so you can fully comprehend what they involve, what products we use, and how they help reduce your mosquito populations.

Then you can get back to enjoying your yard! And that’s way more fun than dealing with mosquito bites. 

homeowner playing with dog on green grass

Take back your yard from mosquitoes and eliminate the stress of their itchy bites for good so you can enjoy your summer again. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we’ll prepare a customized plan to help you keep mosquitoes away from your Northeast Ohio lawn.

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