
Why Does My Neighbor's Lawn Look Better Than Mine?

Dave Petti

How’s your lawn looking? Do you wish you had thicker, greener grass … like the people who live next door? How do they get such a great looking lawn?

You’re not alone. Everyone wants a luxurious lawn that begs to be walked on with bare feet. 

Maybe you look over at your neighbor’s yard thinking the grass is always greener on the other side of the property line. Well, you don’t have to worry about that any more. We’ll suggest some professional lawn care solutions that can help you get grass that looks better than your neighbors so you can stop asking yourself, “Why is my lawn not as green as my neighbor’s?”

Healthy green grass in front yard

Why Is My Grass Not Green? Ways to Make It Greener

For many Northeast Ohio homeowners, having a green lawn shows they care for their properties. 

But through the summer, you may find yourself asking, “Why is my lawn not as green as my neighbor’s?” And it can make you feel pretty bad about how your home looks in your neighborhood. 

Since you can’t just do one thing to make your lawn greener, let’s look at the right mix of strategies that work. 

Mow Your Lawn Correctly

Mowing is a task that you probably think you can’t get wrong. But your mowing habits can have a big impact on your lawn’s performance. Mowing properly can lead to better looking grass. 

A big mistake many homeowners make is mowing their grass too short, which can put unnecessary stress on the lawn. How does this answer the question, “Why is my grass not green?” Because mowing too short can cause a dull green or yellow color. It can also increase the likelihood for weeds. 

The goal is to cut no more than one-third of your grass blades at any one time. You usually want to mow weekly and keep your lawn between 3 and 4 inches in height. Sharpen your mower blades regularly to ensure a clean cut.  

riding lawn mower on green grass

Water Your Grass Properly

Your lawn also requires the right amount of water.

Watering at night can lead to excess humidity, which is a recipe for lawn disease development. The splotchy, discolored spottiness of diseases can certainly make your lawn look worse than your neighbor's yard. 

And watering when the sun is blaring in the middle of the day means that water may evaporate too quickly before reaching your lawn’s roots. 

That means the ideal time to water is in the early morning just before sunrise or at sunrise. This gives the grass roots a chance to absorb the water, and as the sun comes out it’ll burn off the excess water resting on grass blades so disease doesn’t get a chance to develop overnight. 

In terms of timing, you want to water less frequently and long enough that your grass gets a good soaking versus shallow waterings more often. Watering one to two times weekly is a good idea, especially if Mother Nature isn’t already providing regular rainfall. And watering for 45 to 60 minutes is usually enough time for your lawn and the soil to get a good soaking. But the warmer and windier the conditions are, the sooner soil will dry out. The right watering plan can ensure greener grass.

sprinkler watering grass

Fertilize Grass Properly and Adequately 

You might think lawns naturally have all the nutrients they need to grow green and look good. But, over time, lawns actually leach nutrients, leaving them deficient. But for thicker, greener grass that looks better than your neighbor’s yard, your lawn needs the right nutrition. 

That’s where fertilization comes into the picture. Fertilizer contains various mixes of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium: the three nutrients lawns need. Achieving thicker and greener grass requires proper timing and application of the right mix of nutrients. Professional lawn care providers in Northeast Ohio can help deliver these essentials properly and in the right doses for lawn uptake. 


Control Lawn Weeds, Insects, & Diseases

While proper mowing, watering, and fertilization can help create a lawn that naturally repels weeds, insects, and diseases, these lawn invaders can still sneak in. 

In fact, sometimes certain conditions can lead to some weed breakthroughs or an excessively wet season can result in lawn disease. Keep an eye out for these challenges and quickly manage them so problems are caught and managed before they become bigger and lead to a yard you aren’t proud of or one that makes you wonder, “Why is my grass not green?”

For instance, a Northeast Ohio lawn care professional can offer a combination of preemergent and postemergent weed control treatments to keep all weeds at bay. 

Bare spots and weeds on lawn

Aerate and Overseed Your Lawn Annually

Water and nutrients need to reach lawn roots in order to lead to thicker, greener grass that is better than your neighbor’s yard. Over time, lawns can become compact, whether it’s from traffic or harsh weather, limiting this easy access of water and nutrients to your lawn roots. 

What helps this? Annual aeration, which is the removal of small soil plugs via an aerator to help break up the soil and help the lawn breathe. Those small holes can also provide the perfect access for overseeding in thin, bare areas. Aeration and overseeding are key elements that shouldn’t be forgotten on the journey to a better looking lawn.

crew on machine aerating and overseeding lawn 1

Deal With Your Lawn’s Shady Spots 

Sometimes, you just have a tough spot when it comes to growing a lawn that looks as good as or better than your neighbor’s yard. 

Many times, these areas are where your lawn is growing under trees, limiting the sun’s access to them. But sun, water, and nutrients are essential for growing a great looking lawn. And you need all three. 

Raising or thinning the tree canopy can increase the sunlight to these lawn areas, boosting sun exposure. 

If this isn’t possible, an alternative solution, such as a shade-loving groundcover, mulch, decorative gravel, or a hardscape area, might be a better option for those tough spots. 

lawn technician and customer looking at grass

Turf Pride Can Help You Get a Lawn That Looks Better Than Your Neighbor’s Yard

Tired of asking yourself, “Why is my lawn not as green as my neighbor’s?”

We understand. It can feel pretty bad when you’re the one with the lawn that is the worst on the block. 

To get a greener lawn, you need adequate water and nutrients, proper mowing, and regular aeration and overseeding. And it’s all within your grasp. All you have to do is create an environment your lawn loves.

While a lot of these tips seem simple, they can all be daunting when you have to do them all. And it can feel like you don’t have any time to get this all done, especially in summer when you’re busy planning summer vacations. 
Turf Pride can help you by offering a complete, proactive lawn care program that includes proper fertilization, consistent advice on water and mowing, preemergent and postemergent weed control treatments, and aeration and overseeding. We also provide professional eyeballs on your lawn regularly so we can alert you to lawn diseases or insect issues before they become bigger, more expensive issues. 

customer talking on the phone

Has thicker, greener grass at your neighbor’s house got you longing for the same on your property in Northeast Ohio? Turf Pride would love to help. Get started today with a free quote. Together, we’ll prepare a customized plan so you can have that lawn you long for.  

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